Friday, May 30, 2008

{ Sneak Peek }

I tried to post this last night, but, it was right around the time that the storm hit and our internet quit working. I finally gave up and went to bed around 11:00.

Here's Jude at nine months...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Sign Up to Win!

Thank you for your interest in my photography. I love working with new mommies, babies and children of all ages. I look forward to hearing from you about your family and your photography needs.

In the meantime, I would love to keep in touch and keep you posted about specials, promotions and news from BCP. Simply enter your email address in the box at the top left of this page and follow the steps to sign up for email updates. Once you complete the process, you will automatically be entered into a monthly drawing for free photography sessions and other prizes. It's as easy as that.

If you would like more information about my photography, please visit my website. You can also visit my blog to see images from my most recent sessions. But, don't forget to sign up to win first!! You could still be May's winner. We are giving away a photography session plus 5 digital images...a $400 value!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

{Custom Birth Announcements}

Check out our new collection of custom birth announcements printed on fine papers. All templates available in a variety of colors to suit your needs. More designs are available upon request.

Friday, May 23, 2008

I love my job

Just thought I'd share what's going on in my head this evening. I love my much that I am willing to stay up till half past midnight (knowing my little alarm clock will wake me at the crack of dawn) looking, browsing, learning and admiring the work and ideas of so many other wonderful photographers. Check out these two people who are inspiring me today...Jessica James in Destin, Florida & Kara May in South Carolina.

I am so fortunate to being doing something that fills my soul. Good night.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Maternity Madness

O.k...I cannot think of a better title for this post at the moment. Kelly, please forgive was not that bad, k? So, Alex was a little on the fussy side, I think we still got some great shots. Enjoy your sneak peak! You look great!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Few of my Kiddos

I have been taking pictures like crazy. Now, I just need to actually print some of them. I had a party a few days ago and realised I have no pictures of my kids displayed in our home. I just have folders and folders stored on the computer and external hard drives. My goal is to print some samples of the new canvas gallery wraps I am offering with my kids pictures. Then I'll be killing two birds with one stone. Enjoy these fun spring images.

Maternity Session

I am so thrilled to show you these images. I feel really good about my maternity session w/ Jenn and Joacim. I enjoyed chatting with them about how they met, their wedding in St. Lucias and how they found their current baby, Murphey. What a sweet dog. They actually allowed him onto the bed at my request and boy was he proud! Here are a few images for a sneak peek. Enjoy!

They said not to ask them to be serious...but, I think they do it beautifully. However, these moments were few.

Here's one more for sweet Murphey...the baby...for now!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Matilda Jane

I have recently discovered Matilda Jane Clothing Company . A lady based out of Fort Wayne, Indiana designs the outrageously cute clothing for girls and it has taken off! Everything she makes seems to sell out over night.

This weekend, she ran a sale on some of last seasons leftovers at a discounted rate. The sale started at 10:00 am and lasted til 3:30. I am ashamed to admitt that I spent the whole day calling and calling and calling...but, never got through. What a waste...well, it wouldn't have been if I had gotten a hold of one of the much sought after knot dresses (like the one Mary is wearing in the picture above).

Which brings me to the rest of the story. My friend Tammy's sister Angie's husband Matt does some design work for the, she has a ton of the clothes. She brought some of the clothes to Tammy's this week and we dressed up our girls and had a photo shoot. Pretty darn cute! Here's some more from that session...

Monday, May 5, 2008

My First CD Cover

I spent the weekend in my hometown photographing the cover for my cousin's two new gospel music albums. We had so much fun searching for locations in a very small town...we laughed so hard and had a great time. We did three different casual, one more formal and one traditional. I'll post a few from the first session and then the rest later when I have more time. Enjoy and leave me a comment! Thanks for looking.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

My Email is Down

For some reason, I am not able to access my email this morning. I have emailed my provider and will hopefully hear back from them today. I'm not sure if it's a temporary glich or something worse. Just wanted to let you all know.


I don't think I missed any emails...but, if you haven't heard from might want to resend the message.