Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Our baby girl is three! Can't believe how fast she is growing up. She had a Doodlebops birthday party. She came dressed as none other than the spunky Dee Dee Doodle. Back in the spring we actually went to see the Doodlebops live in concert at the Mirat. She saw another little girl with the Dee Dee costume and wanted one for herself. She periodically asked for it over the ensuing months. So, when she opened the package on the morning of her birthday she was thrilled (to say the least). Mary has always enjoyed dressing up. Even as a toddler, she would put dish towels on her head and call them hats. In the last year, her sense of style has really blossomed. She wears what she wants; including beautiful dresses, heals, wigs, gymnastic suits and more. Anything she considers fancy. She is the love of my life!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Top 10 Places for Kids

1. Children's Museum - always a favorite!
2. Indianapolis Zoo - The membership is worth it!
3. Uncle Bill's Pet Store - Puppies, kittens and free balloons!
4. College Avenue Library - Story time and a kids play area.
5. Chick-fil-A - Nice for meeting a friend for lunch.
6. Broadway Park - Did you know about the sprinklers?
7. Holiday Park Nature Center - Fun for indoor and outdoor play.
8. Fazoli's Kid's Night - Tuesdays kids eat free and activities.
9. Indy Island - It's an indoor aquatic center w/ water slides & sprinklers.
10. Chuck-E-Cheeses - 38th street is always dead during the day. They have a great salad bar too!

How about you? Do you know of some cool places that I didn't mention? Please share!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Another cute one from our trip to grandmas!! Such beautiful light...would you believe this was taken in my parents garage? A trick I learned from my mentor, Kip May, (which he incidentally learned from Monte Zucker) is to open up the garage door and let the light filter in like a huge soft box.

We sure had fun with Isaac Ressa who was in town visiting his new baby cousin. This guy was on the move! I got a great work out trying to keep up with him. He loves to play ball, hunt for bugs and play with the hose. He is the typical two year old! We wanted him to sit in front of this tree, but he wouldn't have anything to do with it. Until I went inside to cool down and then he was all over it. Had to be his idea I guess! His curly red hair and rosy cheeks are so cute you just want to eat him up! I really enjoyed spending time with him and his mama (and auntie ba ba too!)

Monday, August 6, 2007

Welcome Ethan Tobias Hurry. Tobias \t(o)-bias\ is of Hebrew origin meaning "God is Good". This little guy is near and dear to my heart. His parents, Bridget & Steve Hurry, are like family to us. The story of how we met and have grown to love the Hurry's is serendipitous. It started at wedding I photographed back in 2004. We sat with the newly dating couple at a random table and hit it off immediately. Months later, when they decided to get married, I got a call about being their photographer. We have since moved and become a part of their church and shared life changing experiences with them. I can't wait to walk along side them as they navigate through life as parents together. Love you guys!

Welcome Piper Mae Ferringer! I had the pleasure of photographing Ms. Piper on her 3 week birthday. What a beauty and very cooperative as well. I made the comment to Gretchen during the session that I had never had a newborn lay so still and quiet for so long (while awake!). In defense of all the other babies, she had a little age on them. I normally photograph these little ones within the first week. I first met Gretchen and John during their maternity session. I enjoyed just being with them as they were constantly laughing and joking with each other (quoting Crank Yankers and Monte Python). My kind of couple! Thanks for the beautiful images!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Click on this image to enlarge so you can see the look on William's face in the first photo. Too funny! Finally, I have a place to display the ridiculously cute pictures I take of my kids.

The kids and I had a great time at grandma's this weekend. We went garage sale-ing, watched a softball game in the heat and played on cousin's new giant water slide. My kids love getting wet, even if it's just being sprayed with the garden hose. We were sure to tell Mary to only spray people's feet...especially mommy, since I had my camera. As you can see from the above sequence of photos, that suggestion didn't really take. Luckily, I saw it coming and avoided getting the Canon too wet. Still, it makes for great photography (and wonderful memories)!