O.k...it's late and I am worn out from working on my taxes all day. However, I just had to share this conversation I had w/ my 3 1/2 year old tonight at bedtime. She was obviously very tired...but, was protesting going to sleep. I asked her if she was mad. She said yes...but, not at me. She was mad at William (her 1 1/2 year old brother). I asked why (assuming the answer would be for the many times he had hit, scratched and/or pulled her hair today). Instead she said she was mad at him for calling her Minny (he can't say Mary).
I kinda giggled and started to explain to her how he was just learning to talk and he couldn't say some words very well. I even shared with her a few things she used to mispronounce when she was his age...which she thoroughly enjoyed. At the end of the conversation, I was feeling pretty good about my parenting skills and how well I had handled the situation.
So, I said to her..."The next time William calls you Minny, can you take it easy on him?".
She paused and said...."Ummmm...maybe when I'm 5".
Which, by the way, is also when she's going to get a pet rabbit, guinea pig or rat(depending on the day), give her teeth to the tooth fairy and start shaving her legs like mommy!
Hope this brings a smile to your face...it certainly did mine.